Intern Stories: Mahek S.
Data Platforms Intern | Zoetis Tech & Digital

Mahek S.
Data Platforms Intern | Zoetis Tech & Digital
What does your internship entail?
I interned with the Data Platforms team and this summer I constructed a Power BI report to categorize Incident and Change Request information for the digital data platforms support team, as well as using Azure cloud tools to conduct ETL “extract transform load” pipelines. Both projects exposed me to technology that I initially had little familiarity with and allowed me to fully immerse myself in the troubleshooting process.
Can you describe your experience as a mentee in Zoetis’ mentorship program?
The mentoring program truly honed my networking skills. Prior to being involved in the program, I was uncomfortable with networking as I always found it difficult. However, my time within the mentorship program taught me that colleagues are genuinely looking to provide advice and hold your best interests at heart. I grew to understand that reaching out to colleagues and building professional connections is far less intimidating than I initially thought!
How will this internship have an impact on your future career?
This internship was absolutely integral to my career path as it was my first introduction to working in technical engineering. This internship allowed me to gain experience in an area of work I want to pursue and exposed me to technologies that I will certainly utilize again later on in my career.