Zoetis is committed to adding value to its supplier relationships. The Zoetis Supplier Information section provides valuable information to suppliers already doing business with Zoetis as well as those interested in developing a relationship with Zoetis. To find the supplier-related information you are looking for, browse the links on this page.
Zoetis uses Ariba Network (AN) to manage our sourcing and procurement activities and to collaborate with suppliers. If your company is selected to become a Zoetis supplier, you may be requested to complete the Supplier Registration Questionnaire via the AN. In this case, you will receive an email from your Zoetis contact with an invitation to register to become a Zoetis supplier. This email includes a link to the Ariba Network (AN). After you complete the Questionnaire, Zoetis processes your supplier request. Once your Supplier record is created at Zoetis, you can elect to receive your purchase orders and submit invoices through the Ariba Network. You can also update your Zoetis profile through the AN (e.g., contacts, banking information).
- You have 30 days to respond to your Supplier Registration Questionnaire. If you do not complete the questionnaire by the end date, you will need to ask your Zoetis contact to resend the registration invite.
- When completing your online Registration Questionnaire, be sure to attach the appropriate tax and banking forms (e.g., W9 or Withholding tax form). Blank forms can be found below.
- If you are requesting electronic payment, be sure to attach banking information on Company letterhead signed by Vendor or provide a signed document from your bank signed by Vendor.
- You may also attach additional forms as you see appropriate (e.g. insurance certifications, financial forms).
More about Ariba Network (AN):
Use of the Ariba Network for supplier registration is free for suppliers.
If you want to receive your POs, send your invoices, and/or want the ability to check your invoice status via the AN, contact Zoetis at Zoetis_AN_Admin@zoetis.com. If you are already receiving POs and sending invoices via the AN with other customers, be sure to include your ANID.
For more information about Ariba Network for Suppliers, visit: https://www.ariba.com/ariba-network/ariba-network-for-suppliers
Supplier Setup Resources:
Tax Forms
For questions regarding your supplier setup status, visit the Supplier Request Form at the bottom of the Zoetis>Suppliers page and select the topic Supplier Onboarding.
At Zoetis, responsible supply chain management is core to how we do business. We operate within a framework of principles aligned with ethical, social and environmental responsibilities to help ensure sustainability of our business and the communities in which we operate.
Accordingly, Zoetis aims to partner with external suppliers that are committed to operating their businesses in a responsible and ethical manner, respecting the rights of the individuals whom they employ, and helping protect the environment.
Zoetis strongly encourages our supply partners to support our Supplier Conduct Principles or adopt their own codes, which include expectations similar to ours.
We expect our suppliers to:
- Operate in full compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.
- Conduct their business in an ethical manner, acting with integrity.
- Commit to upholding the human rights of workers and to treat them with dignity and respect.
- Provide a safe and healthy work environment, including any company-provided living quarters.
- Operate in an environmentally responsible and efficient manner to minimize adverse impacts on the environment.
- Facilitate continuous improvement and compliance with the expectations of these principles by using management systems.
Zoetis assesses the performance and adherence to the Supplier Conduct Principles by conducting routine evaluations and onsite assessments. Failure to comply or failure to correct non-complying situations are grounds for business relationship termination.
Zoetis Supplier Conduct Principles
At Zoetis, we realize the value of diversity through reflecting it in our supply base. Supplier Diversity is a strategic business process aimed at providing diverse suppliers equal opportunity to become suppliers to Zoetis and support our efforts to transform the care of animals for a healthier world. We recognize that diverse suppliers are not always given the opportunity to compete for our business in the same ways as their larger and more widely known counterparts, and as such, make deliberate efforts through our program to further enable fair competition, foster long-term relationships and provide development opportunities to our diverse supplier community.
Classifications Accepted by Zoetis’ Supplier Diversity Program
Certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)
A business enterprise that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more minority group members; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock of which is owned by one or more minority group members and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of those individuals. Minority group members are United States citizens who are Asian, Black, Hispanic and Native American.
Click here for more information.
Certified Women Business Enterprise
A business enterprise that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more women; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock of which is owned by one or more women; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women.
Click here for more information.
Certified Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Business Enterprise (LGBTBE)
A business enterprise that is at least 51% owned and controlled by a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender person or persons; or in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock of which is owned by one or more lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender persons; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of those individuals.
Click here for more information.
Disabled Owned Business Enterprise
A business enterprise that is at least 51% or more owned and controlled by a disabled person or persons; or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock of which is owned by one or most disabled persons; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more of those individuals. An individual is considered disabled if they possess a physical, mental, or sensory impairment, whether permanent or temporary, that limits the capacity to perform one or more essential activities of daily life, and which can be caused or aggravated by the economic and social environment.
Click here for more information.
Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB)
A business enterprise that is at least 51% or more owned and controlled by one or more disadvantaged persons; the disadvantaged person or owned persons socially disadvantaged and economically disadvantaged, and the firm must be small according to SBA’s size standards. Note: the following individuals are presumed socially disadvantaged: Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Subcontinent Asian American.
Click here for more information.
HUB Zone Business (HUB)
A business enterprise (except tribally-owned) that meets the following criteria: a small business by SBA standards; owned and controlled at least 51% by U.S. citizens, or a Community Development Corporation, an agricultural cooperative, or an Indian tribe; its principal office must be located within a “Historically Underutilized Business Zone,” which includes lands considered “Indian Country” and military facilities closed by the Base Realignment and Closure Act; and at least 35% of its employees must reside in a HUBZONE.
Click here for more information.
Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVBE)
A business enterprise that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock of which is owned by one or more service-disabled veterans; and the management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more service disabled veterans or, in the case of a service-disabled veteran with permanent and severe disability, the spouse or permanent caregiver of such veteran.
Click here for more information.
Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE)
A business enterprise that is at least 51% owned and controlled by one or more veterans (as defined at 38 U.S.C. 101(2)); or, in the case of any publicly owned business, at least 51% of the stock of which is owned by one or more one or more veterans; and whose management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more veterans.
Click here for more information.
Third Party Advocacy Groups and Council Memberships
- National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)
- Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC)
- National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC)
Zoetis also considers certifications through other organizations on a case by case basis.
If you are interested in doing business with us, please send an email to SupplierDiversity@Zoetis.com.
Be sure to include an overview of your capabilities and appropriate contact information, certification, Tax ID and a member of the Zoetis Supplier Diversity Program will contact you.
Zoetis’ key procurement organizations are Global Strategic Sourcing (Direct Materials and Indirect Procurement), Global External Supply and Vet Med R&D.
Zoetis follows a documented strategic sourcing process, which ensures potential supplier partners understand our category and commodity management strategies, performance expectations and business requirements. Our process is iterative and solution-driven and seeks to adopt industry best practices and leading supplier capabilities while driving innovation and operational excellence. This process also improves the success of our supplier partner relationships to meet current and future requirements as Zoetis delivers upon our purpose: To nurture our world and humankind by advancing care for animals.
We encourage potential suppliers to familiarize themselves with our company profile and strategic sourcing process so that when opportunity arises, you will understand where and how to partner with Zoetis.
Strategic Sourcing Process
- Identify business needs; conduct pre-project planning; review applicable supplier diversity registrations
- Form cross-functional team and define project objectives
- Collect internal and external data
- Perform strategic analysis (e.g., market assessment, benchmarking, etc.)
- Formulate strategies and develop sourcing approach (e.g., RFx)
- Conduct RFx events and due diligence activities (e.g., orals presentations, demos, customer references, etc.)
- Negotiate and finalize agreements and transition plan
- Onboard supplier partner and measure, monitor and report performance
What We Buy
Zoetis is in the business of discovering, developing and marketing innovative animal health products, and buys all that is required to support that business as well as general items required to run any business. Please find below a representative list of the product and service areas in which we purchase:
- Advertising
- Chemicals
- Computer Hardware
- Consultants/Contractors
- Construction Services
- Corrugated
- Energy
- Equipment
- Facilities
- Financial Services
- Food Services
- Furniture
- Graphic Design
- Instruments
- Janitorial Services
- Lab Supplies
- Market Research
- Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO)
- Office Supplies/Services
- Print & Promotional Items
- Professional Services
- Raw Materials
- Relocation Services
- Software
- Storage
- Telecommunications
- Temporary Help
- Transportation
- Travel
Zoetis standard contract terms require third parties to comply with policies, regulations and directives of Zoetis. Please refer to your contract for applicable policies, regulations and directives. Policies, regulations and directives may be revised from time to time.
Please locate your market below to find directions to the Terms & Conditions that are applicable to your Purchase Order.
Provided below is the Zoetis credit information document that you can use to update your system records.
To ensure prompt and accurate payment of all invoices submitted by your company, please review the following instructions:
Information required on invoices:
- The invoice should be clearly marked as ‘Invoice’ and must be billed to Zoetis with the correct Zoetis Entity Name and ‘ship to’ location where the goods / services were delivered.
- The invoice should reference a valid Zoetis Purchase Order Number. If a Purchase Order is not available, a Zoetis Contact and email address must be listed on the invoice.
- Invoices should be for one Purchase Order only.
- Each invoice must have a unique invoice number.
- Invoice Number and Invoice Date must be prominently mentioned on the main invoice, not on attachments or subsequent pages.
- The invoice must contain a detailed description of goods or services provided, amounts owed and the currency for payment. Invoice billing currency must match the Purchase Order billing currency.
- The Vendor name, address and remittance instructions (address, bank details) must be mentioned on the invoice. Tax type and rate (if any) should be mentioned on the invoice and calculations should be correct.
- The invoice must be legible and printed on paper stock that can be scanned for processing. Do not use color, shading, or water marks on the invoice.
- Credits issued to Zoetis should be sent separately as a Credit Memo and should not be part of the actual invoice.
- For Europe, the VAT Number for both Zoetis and the supplier must be clearly marked on the invoice.
Note: Any invoice without a valid PO number or the name/email address of a Zoetis colleague will NOT be processed and will be rejected.
For your convenience, Zoetis Accounts Payable offers two options for submitting invoices.
Option 1: E-invoicing via the SAP Supplier Network
Zoetis utilizes the SAP Business Network (BN) for electronic PO and invoice submission. The BN is our preferred method for receiving invoices.
If you are interested in participating in the Zoetis e-Invoicing program please contact Zoetis_AN_Admin@zoetis.com to learn more and begin the set up process.
Note to e-Invoicing Suppliers: If you are participating in a Zoetis e-invoicing initiative, please do not send invoices to Accounts Payable.
Option 2: Email your invoice to Accounts Payable
After you confirm that your invoice meets the Zoetis Invoice Requirements per the above, please email your invoice to Accounts Payable at the appropriate address listed in the below document.
Please note:
- Do not attach backup documents to the email.
- Must be TIFF or PDF format. DO NOT zip any of these file types.
- Do not put additional information in the body of the email.
- Do not send other documents or questions to this mailbox. See below for contact information.
If you want to receive your POs, send your invoices, and/or want the ability to check your invoice status via the SAP Business Network (BN) (previously referred to as Ariba Network / AN), contact Zoetis at Zoetis_AN_Admin@zoetis.com. If you are already receiving POs and sending invoices via the BN with other customers, be sure to include your ANID.
Zoetis provides the ability for suppliers to view the status of their invoices without having to contact Zoetis Accounts Payable.
Suppliers fully enabled on the BN will sign in to their AN account to view statuses (posted invoices, scheduled payments, issued payments). If not fully enabled on the BN, suppliers will receive an email for every status update.