Intern Stories: Princess M.
Global Biologics Research Intern | Veterinary Medicine Research & Development

Princess M.
Global Biologics Research Intern | Veterinary Medicine Research & Development
What did you love most about your role?
What I loved most about my role was the ability to explore. As a lover of science, I deeply value exploration as a necessary part of my life, as well as the ability to have options regarding my future career. My role as Biology Intern allowed me to inquire about different career paths in biology, whether that be through shadowing individuals from different departments or through conversations with colleagues. The opportunity to explore allowed me to see just how dynamic Zoetis is, learn about all the opportunities to try new things within the company, and how all its moving parts come together to form One Zoetis.
What was your biggest takeaway from your internship?
My biggest takeaway from my internship was to pursue what gives you purpose. At Zoetis, I was able to take a step forward into my purpose in animal health. This allowed me to experience immense fulfillment for the entire duration of my internship. Talking to other colleagues, many had told me that their ability to have a hand in, and see, real life impact in their work is what keeps them going, which has reaffirmed my own core value of pursuing purpose in life and in my career.
How will this internship have an impact on your future career?
This internship has increased my confidence in the lab, expanded my laboratory skills and connected me with people who I will be able to reach out to for professional or personal guidance, potential employment opportunities, and recommendations for vet school. It has also made me aware of other ways to be involved in veterinary medicine other than practicing. This has helped me keep an open mind and become more likely to accept opportunities I normally would not have considered.