Zoetis Makes EXAME's Best & Biggest List for the Fifth Consecutive Year
August 30, 2019
This week, EXAME, Brazil's leading business magazine, released their annual 1000 Best & Biggest Companies list, which highlights the country's highest performing firms. Zoetis made the list for the fifth consecutive year with two prestigious honors: one of the best pharmaceutical companies and one of the the top 150 agribusiness companies.
This week, EXAME, Brazil's leading business magazine, released their annual 1000 Best & Biggest Companies list, which highlights the country's highest performing firms. Zoetis made the list for the fifth consecutive year with two prestigious honors: one of the best pharmaceutical companies and one of the the top 150 agribusiness companies.
Zoetis has improved its rating each year since it joined the ranking in 2015. This year Zoetis climbed the overall ranking by 31 positions. We are now ranked 505th among Brazil's top companies. Zoetis rose seven positions in the agribusiness sector, from 132nd to 125th and is the only animal health company listed in the pharmaceutical division, ranking 6th. Making these lists is a testimony to the team's strong performance, and focus.
“Our consistent progress since first participating in EXAME's ranking in 2015 is a direct reflection of our strategic and financial discipline," said Paco Ortiz, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Zoetis Brazil and SoLA. “I want to thank all the colleagues who understood and, most importantly, performed their activities following this discipline. It is with their contribution that we will achieve our vision for Brazil by the end of the year."
Brazilian Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, was among prestigious guests in attendance at the EXAME Best & Biggest awards ceremony, highlighting the event's importance.
Renato Vilas Boas, Director, Finance for Brazil and SoLA, added, “Zoetis' distinction among the best and largest companies with strong growth, demonstrates our solidity and financial evolution generated by strategic cohesion. I am grateful for the efforts of the Controller team, especially Rogério Laviola, Paulo Guarnieri and Rodrigo Banhos, for providing qualified statutory information, certified by the audit team, in time for our participation in the ranking."